7-Eleven Philippines




John Badenhop
Started in 7-Eleven as Management Trainee for Year 2009 and now holds the position Category Manager in Marketing Division. John has been chosen as one of the Ten Outstanding Employees of the Year for 2012.
“Some work for the money while others work for experience, but only a few work because they love what they do; I was the type who will work for money and experience but I never expected to become the latter in this company. I actually never thought I would enter this industry, let alone this company, considering I only stepped in a 7-eleven store less than five times in my life before I started working at 7-eleven.

But I began to enjoy my work, from my time at the store to my current position at HQ, I appreciated the fact that I met different people and had a lot of experience, good or bad, they all helped me realize who I am and who I can be. 7-Eleven empowered and nurtured me while keeping my feet on the ground. So it’s not work for me anymore, its not when you love what you’re doing.”

“Work at 7-Eleven is never dull; there will always be new products and projects to be developed, new people to work with, concepts to explore and new challenges to face. Most challenges are daunting but experience here teaches you that there are more than a hundred ways to take on that difficult task. 7-eleven continuously evolves and it takes you along with it.”

For more testimonials, watch here.